Well it's First Friday in "Dead-burg" tomorrow and I am still undecided if I am going this time. It's something I look forward to every month usually but can't seem to get excited after receiving yesterday's news.
I will say that if you want to see my "shiznit" before it's censored from your poor, innocent eyes than you better head over to Libertytown tomorrow night between 5-9 pm. After Sunday, I am removing every last stitch and stashing them away until the new studio comes about.
I actually have a public participation piece going on and would love to have anyone participate who wants to. There is a locked comment box at my hallway display, you can leave an anonymous secret there for me to paint over the next month.The juicier, scarier, creepier, hairier, slimier, etc...THE BETTER! I will be selecting one piece of paper at a time and painting the first image that comes to mind. Of course, I won't know who this secret belongs to but YOU will...so come on down and leave your secret. It's of course free to participate and completely anonymous.
And to all of those artists and non-artists alike who have offered me some emotional support over this incident....thank you! It was awesome to have some of y'all really make me laugh over it, some have put me in front of new open doors to walk through, some have just gave me a little bit of ass-kissing to help build back the 'ol hit on the esteem I got and there were those who shared their own stories of art censorship in FXBG, VA!
I still can't believe it exists in 2012 America but whatever. Part of me is flattered that I am one of the many, many artists throughout history and even still now, who people have tried to force into conformity.
It really makes me think hard about what is being selected for me to see. I wonder what other art is out there that is being tossed aside because of censorship. I want to see THOSE pieces! There are a few places left in downtown FXBG I will go to to see art, ones I know aren't censoring anything because I have seen myself some really kick-ass, down and dirty, raw and "EDGY" art...Ponshop is one off the top of my head. (If art imitates life, well...life isn't always rainbows, flowers and pink kittens!).
Anyways, last time you will be able to view my work at Ltown so remember to stop by 916 Liberty Street and don't forget to leave a secret! Help inspire me and get the monkey off your back!! I'd also love to hear from y'all if you go see these vomit-inducing, old lady scaring, babies crying, woman fainting, sailors uncomfortable paintings of mine.
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