One of the perks of doing my own art blog is that I can actually showcase my very own work. And I will be doing just that every week.
So, this week we have "Parenting Classes" currently at Libertytown Arts Center in my little rental space area. I always have a hard time describing the "feeling" behind each of my paintings. This is one of the many reasons why I am an artist. I have a hard time talking out feelings, it is always much easier to show. But let me give it a honest shot.
Like many parents, there are times when you just don't feel good enough for your offspring. You try and try and wonder if you are ultimately screwing up your kid in the end. Are they going to hate you? Are they going to turn into serial killers? Maybe they will be so overly protected that they are living with you in 30 years just sponging from the recliner in your den? Well, I don't know about other parents...I know I am constantly concerned if I am doing the right things to raise the most productive, healthy, well-rounded woman that Lulu can possibly become.
This painting shows an 8 year old little girl. Apparently, someone has taken great care in getting her a pretty, purple, foo-foo dress. She is wearing matching white knee socks with her cute little Mary Janes. Her hair has very carefully been pulled into curly little ponytails.
Unfortunately, due to lack of supervision; she is prowling the streets looking for trouble. She has an obvious drinking problem and an addiction to nicotine.
Upon closer inspection, you see that this parent of hers has gotten her a guard dog to make sure she is safe from child predators. No one is going to mess with her while she is in the company of a vicious dog! Oh? The dog is 4 pounds, soaking wet? Well, let's slap a very intimidating spiked color on it to beef it up. That'll do the trick.
I wanted to "voice" the concerns I had with my own parenting. Am I watching her well enough, am I protecting her, am I subjecting her to things that are to mature for her age?
Again, the goals I focus on the most when painting is not "does this look skillful to my audience? Will my prowess with a brush impress the pants off of them? Is my message seeping off the canvas and into their awaiting hungry eyeballs?". My main purpose is to get my feelings out and have an audience feel SOMETHING even if it's just a good laugh.
What a kick-ass painting of Lulu and Ruby! As far as your writing/blogging goes...there should be a boring "reaction" to put a check in. You're a great artist Jams...you should stick to that. Where's my damn honey-badger???