I am sure those of you who do not live under a rock have seen this painting somewhere. This is "Rose" by Mark Ryden. Right now, he has just put out an enameled metal pendant with this piece. I love it and for $99.00 I can own it.
Anyways, a little bit about Mark Ryden. Another Los Angeles-based artist. I personally consider him one of the "godfathers" of lowbrow art. Again, this is when the term "lowbrow" seems almost offensive. The skill involved in his pieces are insane! A lot of his techniques have a similarity to the old masters. His subject matter? Madness! You see these beautiful children; big eyes, pouty lips and all in disturbing situations. Beautiful Rose here is bawling blood tears. Another piece (from the same show, Blood) shows a little blonde-headed girl in bed, wearing pink fluffy pajamas, staring down the foot of her bed at the enormous severed head of Abraham Lincoln himself...aptly entitled "Lincoln's head".
Wanna' see something really cool? Follow this link to a time lapse painting of "Incarnation":
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