My family and I had an amazing Thanksgiving. I think it was one of the best ever, actually. We had so much food we were all stuffed and uncomfortable after and the leftovers were enough to feed two more families.
This really got me thinking....
My 9 year old daughter was riding in the backseat of my car the other day when we saw a homeless man. He was noticeably cold and trying to stay warm. Myndee said to me, "Why is that man homeless?" I didn't know how to answer. I thought of how I should explain hard work can mostly prevent homelessness, love and support of family, maybe mental illness, the recession, hardtimes in general...I just answered, "I don't know, Lulu."
But she wasn't asking how he had gotten himself into that predicament...she clarified her question, "No, I mean...why is no one helping that man?!"
Wow! Out of the mouths of babes.
Within an hour, Myndee had saw a problem and "solved" it in her child's mind. She has decided to collect socks, gloves, hats and mittens to give to the homeless people so they can stay warm.
Sometimes your children teach YOU a lesson or two. A small gesture CAN and DOES make a difference. You see a problem in your community? Get off your butt and fix it!
I have an application in to the FXBG homeless coalition. I am hoping that I will be able to start teaching art classes to homeless/near homeless children on the weekends. I am already getting together some lesson plans in anticipation and am praying everything goes well.
Art really can heal. This is a proven fact. A lot of people don't know how I started my passion for art. I had a traumatic childhood event happen at an early age. My mother took me for help and I was very hesitant to talk. I was a bottled up mess. Finally, I was taken to a therapist who specialized in art therapy. It was there that I learned that I could vent and deal with all my problems with a little bit of creative expression. I've been using it ever since. It has gotten me through a lot of rough times and who knows how I'd be if I didn't have it.
So, cross your fingers, say a prayer...I am hoping to be approved and start soon so that these children can have an hour or two to escape and just be creative, uninhibited children for a little while.
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