It's over for the year! Whew! Via Colori is an awesome experience, and very draining at the same time. I can only imagine how Sue Henderson feels right now. I personally feel a little sad yet relieved.
The above pictures are just a few that I got of some artists working. The above artists are Jams Bauguess (me), Nick Candela, Jeremy Gann, Mirinda Reynolds, Jeff Gulick and I am not sure who did the American Gothic rendition but loved that one, as well as the Ice Cream cones.
It was a good weekend. Not nearly as hot as last year. It seemed a lot more organized and everyone seemed more prepared. There were a few sprinkles here or there but nothing that ended the weekend.
Usually, I am working in my own private space busting out the art so it's a different experience to have people come right up and watch, giving feedback. I had one person who said, "I don't get it" and another 5 year old boy said, "I no like dat! It's for girls!"..but otherwise, I happily got a lot of "thanks!" and "I love the colors, eyes, awesome!" I even had a few people recognize my style and straight-up ask if I was the artist named Jams Bauguess. That was a HUGE compliment to me.
I don't know if everyone heard, but there was this very nice lady who came up while I was working with hand-outs. It seems they are trying to get every artist in the Fredericksburg area on this online directory. Their goal is to have every artist, in every style and genre to be in this thing. She wanted me to pass the word along. I will post the web address later as I don't seem to have it on me at the moment.
I am definitely looking forward to next year!
I had a lot of people asking about being a Via Colori artist. So for those who know, you can skip ahead: Basically, like the Via Colori Fredericksburg FB page and you will receive updates. When they start opening up the volunteer page for next year, all you have to do it submit your information and BAM! you are now the owner of a small piece of property in Fredericksburg for a few hours to paint what you want (within reason). There is no cost to you except your time. They supply everything and you do not have to be a professional artist. A family can sign up for a square for the fun of it.
Another cool thing that came out of this? I spoke with one of the artists for awhile and we are considering getting together a lowbrow art show for Fredericksburg. Kinda like a mini-Urban Decay show just to get this amazing art style out there. And for me, it's always awesome to meet these type of artists! Art, booze, music and more.
Stay tuned for some new paintings I am putting out. I am actually painting a man or two these days, along with fish skeletons, plastic moustaches and cross-dressers!